Anthony Nolan funds healthcare professional roles in the NHS.
They are experts in stem cell transplant and are there to support patients during their recovery.
What roles does Anthony Nolan fund?
We fund post-transplant clinical nurse specialists (CNS) and clinical psychology posts at transplant centres in the UK.
What do Anthony Nolan healthcare professionals do?
As clinical experts with knowledge of the unique needs of patients having a stem cell transplant, they provide personalised support and advice and are key members of the transplant team.
They address the physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing of patients and families, and develop new services that will better support recovery.
Until recently I didn’t know if I could be strong enough to get through the next day. Then I met my Anthony Nolan CNS. She talked me through my options, helped me understand what was happening to me and empowered me with strength to take control back in my life.
James, stem cell transplant recipient
How are Anthony Nolan healthcare professionals funded?
The clinical nurse specialists and clinical psychologists are employed by the NHS and funded by Anthony Nolan for three years.
After that time the NHS continues the ongoing funding.
Where are they based?
Below are the transplant centres that have had a CNS or clinical psychologist funded by Anthony Nolan. If you are being treated at any of these centres and you would like to get in touch with them, please speak to your transplant team.
- Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
- Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester
- King's College Hospital, London
- Leeds Children’s Hospital
- NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
- Nottingham University Hospital
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
- Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
- Sheffield Teaching Hospital
- Southampton University Hospital
- St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London
- The Royal Marsden, London
If your transplant centre is not here and you have any questions, please get in touch with the Lead Nurse at Anthony Nolan:

Information published: 14/01/22
Next review due: 14/01/25 - in progress