4-year-old Erin’s family have been told the devastating news that her acute lymphoblastic leukaemia has returned, and sadly her big sister Neave isn’t a match.
We’re working with Erin’s mum to appeal to more people to join the stem cell register.
Please sign up. Not just for Erin, but for anyone else who is unlucky enough to need a transplant. Please register.
Catrina, Erin's mum
If you’re aged 16-30 you can give Erin, and others like her, hope for a second chance of life by joining the stem cell register.
Erin was initially diagnosed in 2019 after experiencing night sweats, bruising and fatigue.
Erin responded well to treatment, and we had hoped that we had come through it. We went to the safari park as a treat, and started being able to do those normal things we hadn’t been able to. But then two weeks after bloods tests showed no sign of cancer, Erin relapsed. It came back very quickly. I knew immediately she’d need a transplant and that she’d need a stranger to donate.
Please donate today and help us make sure we can be there for patients like Erin.
Make a donation

A gift of £5 a month helps build a stem cell register that gives everyone the best chance of survival.
A gift of £10 a month helps lifesaving transplants to happen – giving as many people like Erin as possible a second chance of life.
A gift of £15 a month could help pay for our umbilical cord collection programme – making little lifesavers of babies only minutes old!
£15 goes a long way to helping our scientists conduct ground-breaking research that will save lives over the next 50 years.
£40 could sign up a new lifesaving stem cell donor who could go on to save a life like Erin's.
£90 could pay for three hours of invaluable support from a post-transplant nurse for patients and families.