Aged 16-30?
We're calling on you to join 1 Million United and potentially save a life.
There are currently around 900,000 people on the Anthony Nolan stem cell register. Our goal is to reach 1 million.
Anthony Nolan makes lifesaving matches for people with blood cancer and blood disorders. A stem cell transplant could give someone a second chance at life.
The bigger the squad, the more matches we can find, and the more shots we have to save lives.
You can help save more lives through your stem cells.
It’s fast and simple to sign-up. You could be the greatest transfer in football history.
So, are you in?
Top Bins with The Sun
Three. Two. One. Go!
Watch two players put their Anthony Nolan knowledge (and sharp shooting skills) to the test. Points might equal goals in this battle of wits and footballing ability.
Over 30?
Stem cell donations from younger donors give people with blood cancers or blood disorders a better chance of survival.
But if you're 30+ you can still save lives. It costs Anthony Nolan £40 to recruit each lifesaver to the register.

Meet the team
Talk Swab - Grassroots football with an unexpected twist
What happens when two grassroots teams, a refereeing legend and a lot of swabs combine to help save lives?
Why do you need me on the team?
There aren't enough of us on the Anthony Nolan stem cell register, especially men and people from minority ethnic backgrounds.
Why do you need more men on the register
Young men are far more likely to be chosen to donate by transplant centres and provide more than half of all donations. Unfortunately, they only make up 18% of our register.
Why does my background make a difference?
People from minority ethnic backgrounds are more likely to have unique tissue types (the particular collection of HLA genes used for matching patients and donors for transplant), and this means it can be harder to find fully matched unrelated donors for them.
Why does my age matter?
Our research has shown that stem cell transplants work better if the donor is younger so we focus our limited funds on recruiting donors aged 30 and under.
If you're aged between 16-30, we need you to swab up – it's quick and easy. Help us give everyone the best shot at life.
How to become a stem cell donor
It’s quick and easy to sign up to the stem cell register. You request a swab in the post, it takes a minute to swab inside your cheek and then post it back.
What is stem cell donation, and how does it work?
Join 1 Million United
Become a part of the team to potentially save a life.
Let’s work together to tackle blood cancer and blood disorders.