Latest figures show increase in young men on the register

June 14, 2013
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Anthony Nolan welcomes an increase in young men on the bone marrow register. Men aged 16–30 now make up 14% of the register, up from just 11% last month.

Ann O’Leary, Head of Register Development at Anthony Nolan, says, ‘Having more young men on the register makes a huge impact on our ability to provide the best donors for patients in need of bone marrow transplants. It’s a huge challenge to change the percentage of any group on the register and we are very pleased with this significant progress.’

Transplant doctors are most likely to choose young men as donors; over the last two years, 39% of donors were young men. Young men are preferred donors because they are less likely to have developed age-related health conditions and, in general, men produce more stem cells than women.

If you are aged 16–30, find out more about joining the register.