Anthony Nolan welcomes Virgin London marathon runners to London

January 28, 2013
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On Saturday 26 January, Anthony Nolan hosted a day in London for our 2013 Virgin London Marathon runners.

At the information day, our runners found out more about the incredible difference that they are making to our lifesaving work. We also held interactive workshops for our runners to share fundraising and training tips.

Physiotherapist Nathan Carter and Osteopath Gavin Burt were on hand for a Q&A session on injury prevention, nutrition, and stepping up the training in time for the marathon on Sunday 21 April.

Jon Powles, who was inspired to run by his father who had a bone marrow transplant in 2002, said, ‘The information day was really useful for picking up great tips on fundraising and training. For a lot of the people at the event, 2013 is going to be their first marathon and so it’s brilliant how supportive Anthony Nolan are. It was also a great way to meet other people running for Anthony Nolan – there’s a fantastic team atmosphere.'

Rebecca Highfield, Events Co-ordinator at Anthony Nolan, says, 'The day was a huge success - around 60 of our 191 runners attended the event and the feedback was excellent. It was great to meet our 2013 runners in person - they all have amazing stories and inspire the work we do. It costs us £100 to recruit each person to the bone marrow register, so our fundraisers are essential in helping us save lives.'

If you're interested in joining a running or cycling event with Anthony Nolan, you can find out more information here.