Anthony Nolan calls for more young men to join the register

April 5, 2013
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Anthony Nolan is calling on young men to join the bone marrow register as they make the best possible donors for people with blood cancer.

Young men account for 80% of donations yet make up just 11% of the register.

Doctors choose male donors wherever possible as men produce more stem cells than women. Some older people can make good donors, but younger donors are statistically less likely to have developed a health problem that could put the donor or the patient at risk. Therefore, the doctors will choose younger donors wherever possible.

Andy McMillan, 24, who donated his stem cells in February 2013, says, ‘The donation was an utter breeze. There was no pain what so ever; I was lying down on a nice comfy bed and could have quite easily dropped off to sleep.’

‘I know I’ve done all I can and given my recipient and their family hope as well as a real fighting chance of life. No matter what the eventual outcome is, I’m very proud of what I have done.’

Anthony Nolan recruits men and women who are in good health and aged 16–30 years old. Potential donors will stay on the bone marrow register until they are 60 years old.

If you are aged 16–30 years old, you can join the register online or find out more about our age criteria here.