Your vote could save a life

March 21, 2014
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Anthony Nolan is in the running to win an incredible donation of £10,000 from Candis Magazine – but we need your vote to make it happen.

The Candis Charity Challenge is an initiative which gives people the chance to vote online for who they want to receive a £10,000 donation from Candis Magazine. The charity with the most votes will receive the funds. If we win, it could be life-saving for people with blood cancer.

Voting has gone live today, so we need our supporters, staff and volunteers to cast their votes at and help us spread the word.

Catherine Miles, our Head of Fundraising, explains: "Right now, we can only find a match for just half of those who come to us in desperate need. The more money we raise, the more donors we can find – and the more lives we can save.

‘It costs us £100 to recruit and look after each potential bone marrow donor. Any one of them could save the life of someone with blood cancer.

‘The money from the Candis Charity Challenge would make it possible for us to add one hundred new people to the Anthony Nolan register. For someone with blood cancer, that’s one hundred more chances of a cure.

‘In this special 40th anniversary year for Anthony Nolan, you can help us give people with cancer, and their families, more milestones – from birthdays and anniversaries, to graduations and even grandchildren.

‘For the 1,800 people currently waiting for a transplant, your vote would be the greatest gift of all."

If you would like us to receive a £10,000 donation from Candis, visit and click Anthony Nolan.