
Anthony Nolan responds to news about the Covid - 19 booster vaccine rollout

November 15, 2021
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Following the news that booster jabs will be offered to everyone over the age of 40, Henny Braund MBE, Chief Executive of Anthony Nolan, says:

‘Blood cancer patients are much less likely to be protected from two doses of COVID-19 vaccines than the wider population. Therefore, while it’s positive to hear that everyone over the age of 40 is now eligible for a booster COVID-19 vaccine dose, we would like to know how many blood cancer patients and other highly immunocompromised groups are still waiting for their third primary vaccine dose, which they need urgent access to without delay.

‘Unfortunately, we’ve heard from patients that the lack of leadership for people who are immunocompromised has resulted in unacceptable delays to third vaccine doses. Anthony Nolan is urging the Government to appoint a dedicated lead for people who are immunocompromised, so that there is clear guidance and accountability to stop patients from being left behind.’